After Krauthammer, George Will weighed in, on Special Report, making the point that distrust of this administration “permeates everything.”
“First the president denies something, and then there’s a very late and inadequate response,” he began. “ISIS – or whatever we’re calling it – the Islamic State – is the JayVee – and then suddenly it’s a menace that we have to destroy. The Employer Mandate – fine. It will go into effect – whoops! It can’t go into effect and so they delay that. Now we have a president who said a few weeks ago that there would be no outbreak of Ebola in our country – the White House says today, there’ll be no widespread outbreak. You have to watch the modifiers with this crowd.”
“The president keeps saying ‘trust us,'” Will continued. “Well, it’s a little late in the game for that. The president who says ‘trust us’ is the one who said an internet video caused the Benghazi attack. The president who says ‘trust us’ says there’s not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS, and it’s the president who said ‘if you like your health care plan you can keep it, period.’ It’s late in the game to hermetically seal the one portion of the government that people are going to trust. Distrust permeates everything.”
So true…
Video via NRO:
On Twitter, this morning, I made the same point Krauthammer and Will made about Obama always being late to handle a problem and waiting until it’s become a crises.
I’ve been making points about how dishonest and untrustworthy Obama is since March of 2008.